月曜日, 4月 09, 2007



3 件のコメント:

Bill McGrath さんのコメント...



キンバリー・パットン さんのコメント...

Well I tried to type this in Japanese but my computer just decided it hates me.
I thought your speech went really well! The only thing I would suggest is to speak up a little more; it was a little quiet at times. Even if you were looking at the speech as you presented, you still spoke fluently, so it didn't sounds as though you were reading from it. I think that's more important than whether you were using your sheet.
Good job!

レア・ファンク さんのコメント...

I enjoyed your speech! (Will come back in Japanese because I accidently removed the language thing and can't figure out how to get it back)
I am jealous of your getting to go to the onsen!

I agree with Kim on the speaking up. It's not that you can't speak well, it's just it's kind of hard to hear you!

SO don't be afraid :)